Felted Spring Surprise Egg

Ages: 13+

Join us this spring for a delightful needle felting class! We're crafting a vibrant, whimsical egg design with a cute bunny peeking out. It's a perfect way to embrace the season and learn a new skill.

Learn the joy of needle felting with Pop up Art School in a friendly environment. You'll gain the basic skills of needle felting, walking away with a finished piece, a foam block, needles, and the confidence to continue your felting journey independently.


Looking to stretch your budget?

Our prerecorded drawing programs are our most affordable option, with no kits needed!

You get the use of our pre-recorded video for 30 days for $125.

Pre-recorded videos give you the flexibility to schedule one or more watch & draw events at your library.

Give the video link to the patrons that can't attend in person. There's no cap on the amount of people that can watch and draw within the 30 days.

Add trivia and snacks to your watch & draw events and your Pokemon fans will be in heaven.