Cindy Ferrer

Cindy has a Master’s degree in Art Education and teaches at the Crocker Farm Elementary school, in Amherst, grades K to 6.

She is an artist who enjoys drawing, painting abstract acrylics and watercolors. When she's not teaching, she can be found spending time with her husband , son and young daughter. She stays active with in-line skating and yoga.

Availability: During the school year, Cindy is available weekday evenings, weekends and school vacation weeks.

During the summer, Cindy is available weekdays, evenings and on weekends.

Cindy’s Travel area

If you have any inquiries regarding our travel fees or require assistance in understanding the maps, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

If a travel fee is required, you can save money by block booking with another library that is 30 to 45 minutes away from your location. When you book together, we split the fee between the two libraries.