Love Bugs Art Lesson

After taking the $5 challenge to make a Valentine’s Day project. I taught the project to my fourth grade class. You know when you put together a project, and then release it into in the hands of a child and it falls apart? Literally— the floral foam we used for printmaking crumbled before my eyes! When I teach printmaking, I always tell the kids to practice on a scrap piece of paper to decide how much paint and pressure they need to apply before they make the finished print. In this case, it was bad advice. By the time they got to make the final print, the floral foam was falling apart. The next day, I had to scrape bits of floral foam out of the dried paint!After the printmaking crashed and burned I was nervous about the next week, so I modified the legs of the love bug and used strips of card stock instead. Luckily, the assembly was a success!Look how this student not only made a face with a heart but she made a tail as well. I love the double layer of doilies for the wings.This student complained that his didn’t look like all the others, but I reassured him that his was a unique solution. He turned the bug body upside down and used it like a taco. Those doily wings make a yummy filling!Look how this student used two doily hearts facing in opposite directions to make the wings.This one wins the prize for the tallest love bug!This boy has a crush on Katy Perry and I like his candy-heart-worthy phrase Lift off to Love!If you use this project with your kids we'd love to hear about it. Give us some love-- please share this post!Leave a comment below or join us in our Facebook group Freelance Art Teachers in Libraries. The group is for sharing ideas about teaching art and other subjects in public libraries and after school enrichment classes. Whether you are a librarian looking for new ideas or a teacher seeking a profitable AND enjoyable side hustle, we are here to answer questions and support you!

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