End of year games to play in the art room
End of Year Games to Play in the Art Room
What do you do at the end of the school year when you’re feeling burnt-out, low on supplies and the kids want to be anywhere but a classroom? We’ve got two ideas for end-of-the-year games to play in the art room. The first is a drawing game for kids in grades 1-12 and the second is an art history game for middle and high school.
1-Sketch Artist Game
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Download our free gamesketch artist; it’s a guaranteed hit! We’ve used it extensively in our workshops and in the schools where we teach. You can use it in your classes with first grade through 12th.You’ll need copies from our free download, paper, pencils and envelopes. The premise of the game is that a crime has been committed. The witness to the crime describes the criminal to the police sketch artist. Play the game with one person as the witness and one or several people pretending to be a police sketch artist.
How to play sketch artist game
In the envelope is a photo of a “criminal.” The witness describes the criminal with as much detail as possible to the sketch artist(s).Once the artist(s) finish drawing the criminal the witness reveals the photo. These aren’t the criminals from central casting. They are quirky folks from all walks of life. The kids love looking at the pictures and are always excited to take another turn.
2- Art Bingo
How about an art history game that reinforces the learning that’s happened in the art room? We’ve got that too! Art Bingo is perfect for middle and high school kids.All you’ll need are copies from our download, bingo pieces such as cut paper or pennies, and candy or dollar store pencils for prizes.
How to play art bingo
Cut the names of the artists into small strips and put them into a container. Each kid gets a bingo sheet and bingo markers. Choose a name from the container and call it out. Play for at least 20 minutes to allow for plenty of chances to win. Art bingo is available in our shop for $4.00.For $4 and the use of a copy machine you can have an entire day's worth of classes filled with fun and engaging games. End of the year stress? You got this!Want more ideas for the art room? Join ouremail list to receive our weekly blog.Pop up Art School is a mobile business that teaches over 50 art workshops a year in public libraries, afterschool enrichment and adult art workshops. If you are looking for an enjoyable and low start up cost side hustle without the ball-and-chain of a brick and mortar studio, join our Facebook group Pop up Art School-How to Run a Mobile Art Business. Whether you are curious or ready to start your mobile business, stop by and introduce yourself!
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