DIY Social Media Photo Booth
Photo booth blog
Here’s a cheap and easy way to make a clean backdrop to photograph artwork during workshops. This is lightweight and can be set up anywhere. No one will know you are photographing Suzy Q's art on top of an old chair with posters in the background.
You'll need:
2 pieces of corrugated cardboard 16.25" x 20.50" each.
Clear packing tape or duct tape
4 medium binder clips or clothespins
white paper 37 inches long by 21 inches wide
First, you'll use the two pieces of cardboard. Lay them flat with the long ends together. Tape them together on both sides. The tape creates a hinge, so that you will be able to lift one of the pieces up so that it is perpendicular to the other
Now that your artwork is ready for its glamour shot set the picture format on your camera phone to square. Make sure that you aren't making a shadow with your body or your phone. Move your photo booth around until you find the right place in the room. Place the artwork in front of the curved paper and take a few shots at different angles.
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