Art Lesson Faves & Fails-Part 2
Faves & Fails-2
In last week's
, Lisa listed her
best and worst art lessons of the year.
This week, it's Janell's turn.
Country/City Pop-up
I was playing with bingo daubers and created large flowers made of concentric parentheses shapes. I was trying to figure out how to describe it to the kids when I realized that the parenthesis shape is like a smile,
thus the smile flower was born!
Each second grade student made a large smile flower for the kindness banner that now hangs in the front lobby of the school.
Eighth Grade
Panther Animation
It's hard to find lessons that eighth-graders can get excited about
. I had success with this animation. I made a worksheet with eight frames of a panther in a run cycle.
Using markers they transformed the panther frame by frame
. I added all the frames to the Stop Motion App. The finished
is impressive and they had fun.
First Grade
Still Life Watercolor
In the past, this lesson has been a success, but this year it bombed. Each table got an arrangement of fake flowers and watercolor paints. Half of the class flew through it and finished early and others struggled and were frustrated. To top it all off,
one student ran around the room and tipped over everyone's water container ruining the paintings
, ugghh!
Third Grade
Flint Corn
Screen Shot 2019-06-08 at 3.14.11 PM
(What it should look like)At the start of the school year, I was scrolling through Pinterest and found a Flint corn lesson. I showed them pictures of the multicolored corn and discussed its history and we talked about how important this dietary staple was for Native Americans. The lesson involved drawing the corn using black oil pastels and then painting with watercolors.This group of third-graders wasn't shy in voicing their feelings of boredom.
Because of their lack of interest, most of the corn looked smudged and messy.
I thought the watercolor paint would make it look better, but it didn't.
* Lisa and I will be publishing our blog bi-weekly for the next two months. Summer is a busy time of the year for Pop up Art School. In August, we'll resume our weekly posts with even more tips and insight into what we learned on the road this summer.
What about you? What have been your faves and fails this school year? Leave a comment below or join us in our Facebook group
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